A collection of stories and photographs inspired by a life alive.
Youth and adventure in the outdoors.
Wilder - A Life Adrift
Inspired by the outdoors, this is a story of youth an adventure, a guide-book of how to break free into world of exploration.
These photographs speak to the light and life found in nature - completely enamored, completely ignorant, completely in love. In these mountains secret agreements were made, agreements to be fully alive and not simply live.
200 pages of photographs and words following years of adventure in the outdoors. Now available in hardcover via publisher Thought Catalog.
From The American West to countries across the globe, this is an authentic journal of finding life beyond traditional settings.
“When I was young I was told of “Thin Spaces”—places where the barrier between Heaven and Earth thins and maybe, just if you’re lucky, you can see onto the other side. My experience has not been simply finding these places, but appreciating them as they are. Everything you see here is real, and everything you see here is too beautiful to capture with a camera. All I can hope is that this book inspires someone, even if it’s just one person, to find these places for themselves.”
Wilder takes you deep into the woods, across mountaintops, on the open road, and beyond. Forrest’s life adrift conveys life within nature’s most quiet and sacred spaces. You can almost hear the whisper of the trees as you move between the pages of this lovely, hardcover coffee table book.
- Thought Catalog
Wilder actings almost as a lifelong retrospective, sharing insight and images from trips and times in life that have left most lasting impressions.
- Field Mag